Community Wellness
Community Wellness
At Berkshire Health Systems, our mission is to advance health and wellness for everyone in our community, in a welcoming, inclusive, and personalized environment. We know that overall wellness is the result of healthy families, healthy environments, and healthy communities, in addition to excellent medical care.
As the region’s largest healthcare provider and employer, we believe that we can be a major advocate for change in our community and are committed to partnering with other organizations in the Berkshires to help our region thrive.
Our Programs
Wellness at Work

Wellness at Work helps the businesses in our community to implement healthy programs and practices that benefit both employees and employers by creating a healthier and safer work environment.
Wellness at WorkBerkshire Harm Reduction

Berkshire Harm Reduction aims to mitigate health complications from substance use by providing comprehensive services to people with substance use disorder.
Berkshire Harm ReductionBerkshire 150

Berkshire 150 is a 5-week wellness program for the greater Berkshire community. The goal of the program is to exercise at least 150 minutes a week as part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Berkshire 150Operation Better

Operation Better Start (OBS) focuses on young people identified to be at a high degree of clinical risk for health conditions related to nutrition and lifestyle.
Operation Better StartBerkshire Connections

Our comprehensive prenatal and postnatal support program for women with a history of substance use. This program is designed to better help women and they babies during pregnancy and after birth.
Berkshire ConnectionsAdvocacy for Access
Advocacy for Access helps uninsured and underinsured people access various programs that can pay for healthcare services, thereby reducing or eliminating inability to pay as a barrier to receiving health care.
Advocacy for AccessWomen, Infants & Children (WIC)
The WIC program aims to safeguard the health of low-income women, infants, and children up to age 5 who are at nutrition risk by providing nutritious foods to supplement diets, information on healthy eating, and referrals to health care.
WIC2024 Destination Better Health
Inspiring your journey to better health.
Join us this June, at Fairview Hospital, under the tent, for a week of free health programs and resources.
2024 Fourth of July
5k Road Race!
The Fourth of July 5k road race was a great success! We registered 1125 runners and 24% of those running were K-12 Berkshire County Students. Thank you to Berkshire Running Foundation for partnering with us and thank you to all of our community sponsors who helped to make this event possible.
5k Road Race DetailsThe Employee Assistance Program

The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) at Berkshire Health System (BHS) was designed to demonstrate our commitment to the overall well-being of our employees.
Employee Assistance ProgramOccupational Health

Berkshire Occupational Health, a division of Berkshire Health Systems, specializes in comprehensive employee health services for businesses.
Occupational HealthHealth Quality and Equity Incentive Program (HQEIP) Strategic Plan Executive Summary
BHS is participating in a statewide initiative focused on reducing health disparities and help make sure everyone gets the best care possible.
Community Health
To view our most recent Community Benefit Reports, please visit:
Health Take-Away
Are you or a loved one looking for our Behavioral or Mental Health services?
BHS offers a wealth of inpatient and outpatient services.
Behavioral & Mental Health Services