Destination Better Health 2024
Inspiring your journey to better health.
Fairview Hospital, Berkshire Health Systems’ nationally recognized critical access hospital, hosted Destination Better Health ’24, a week of free health education, programs and resources offered under a tent next to the hospital at 29 Lewis Avenue in Great Barrington from Tuesday, June 25 through Monday, July 1. The program was designed to raise awareness through education and exposure to topics of high interest to the community. The schedule included morning, midday and afternoon programming and all events were free of charge.
You can help save lives and strengthen the local blood supply by giving blood. All blood donated at the BHS Blood Donor Centers are used locally at North Adams Regional Hospital, Berkshire Medical Center, The Phelps Cancer Center, and Fairview Hospital. The BHS Bloodmobile will be on site at Fairview Hospital on both Tuesday, June 25 and Wednesday, June 26. Appointments are preferred but drop-ins are welcomed. To schedule or get more information, call Chris Amuso at (413) 447-2597, option 2.

Doreen Donovan, RN, BHS Wellness at Work
Stress can affect your body, thoughts and feelings, and behavior. Stress that’s not dealt with can lead to health problems, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, obesity, and diabetes. Join Doreen Donovan, certified hypnotherapist, and wellness coach, for a lunchtime break and guided relaxation session.

Pier Boutin, MD, Fairview Orthopedic & Sports Medicine
Join Dr. Pier Boutin to learn about the important role of hormones in the growth and maintenance of the skeletal system and overall health. This program will offer information about hormone replacement therapy that can help maintain a stronger body as we age.

You can help save lives and strengthen the local blood supply by giving blood. All blood donated at the BHS Blood Donor Centers are used locally at North Adams Regional Hospital, Berkshire Medical Center, The Phelps Cancer Center, and Fairview Hospital. Appointments are preferred but drop-ins are welcomed. To schedule or get more information, call Chris Amuso at (413) 447-2597, option 2.

Lauren Whitney, RN, Diabetes Educator, BHS Endocrinology
Join BHS diabetes educator, Lauren Whitney, a member of the BHS Department of Endocrinology, who counsels patients in Great Barrington at East Mountain Medical Center. Learn how you can take control of diabetes through lifestyle to prevent and manage diabetes. Learn about local medical resources available to help you live a healthy and active life.

Darlene Rodowicz, Berkshire Health Systems President, and CEO , joined by Fairview Hospital Interim Vice President Emmett Schuster
Join Berkshire Health Systems President and CEO, Darlene Rodowicz, and Fairview Interim Vice President, Emmett Schuster, for an important discussion on health challenges, priorities, and opportunities in the Berkshire region. Discover the initiatives and approaches BHS is using to advance health and wellness for everyone in our community.

Tom Baisley, Great Barrington Veteran’s Coordinator
Rob Shearer, DNP, AGA,CNP-BC,RN, BHS Urgent Care
Kayli Manning, BHS Nurse Line
Veterans and their families are invited to enjoy coffee and conversation while learning about available resources, programs, and local health services to make healthcare more accessible.

Victoria Guy, RPT, Director of Rehabilitation
Katie Hatt, MD, Physiatry, Berkshire Medical Center
Local medical specialists will discuss how to prevent health decline by being aware of reduced movement and mobility. Learn important tips, strategies, techniques, and resources to help maintain and improve health throughout the aging process.

Ellen Brady, RN, Fairview Cardiac Rehab Program
Cathy Samuels, RN, Fairview Cardiac Rehab Program
Whether you have heart disease or are intent on leading a heart healthy life, local health professionals welcome you to a discussion on heart health. Learn about available community programs to help you regain strength and health after a cardiac event. Meet our nurses who provide cardiac rehabilitation and help hundreds improve their heart and overall health in supportive and empowering environments with expert clinical care.

Berkshire Harm Reduction
Berkshire Harm Reduction will have its van on site at Fairview Hospital to offer drop-in ongoing trainings that can prepare you to save a life. Learn how to recognize and respond to an overdose and how our Harm Reduction team creates an avenue for support and education —on the signs of overdose, the steps that should be taken if an overdose is suspected, and how to correctly use naloxone (Narcan) to reverse an overdose. Free Narcan kits will be available to attendees.

Thomas Rathbun, RPSGT, The Sleep Center at BMC
Is your body telling you something important while you sleep? Learn how to get back to a good night’s sleep. Thomas Rathbun will share information about signs and symptoms of health issues, as well as the diagnostic and treatment services available at the Berkshire Sleep Disorders Clinic.

Bart Church, Interim Director, Q-mob of the Berkshires
Maureen Daniels, Berkshire Health Systems Director Of Wellness
Doreen Hutchinson, VP, Patient Care Fairview Hospital
Catherine Record, Certified Application Counselor, Berkshire Health Systems Advocacy for Access
In honor of National PRIDE Month, Fairview Hospital and Berkshire Health Systems will host a special program for the LGBTQ+ community, offering practical information on aging and strategies for maintaining health and wellness.

Ronald Sunog, MD, MACONY Pediatrics
Robert Hoechster, RD, Fairview Hospital Nutritionist and Parent
Dr. Ronald Sunog, pediatrician, accompanied by Robert Hoechster, nutritionist, and father of a child with severe food allergies, will discuss how to prevent food allergies in children.

Deb Phillips, MS, LDN, Southern Berkshire Rural Health Network/413 Cares
Adrien Conklin, RN Care Coordination, BFS
Halle Miller, CHW, East Mountain Medical Center
Health is mostly determined by factors outside a doctor’s office, such as food access, housing, and the ability to meet basic needs. Learn about Community Health Workers, their roles, locations, and how they help connect people with resources to improve health.

Courtney Warren, Berkshire Health Systems Manager of Talent Development
Lauren Cameron, Warrior Trading
Pam Wojtkowski, MassHire Career Center
The Southern Berkshire Chamber of Commerce (SBCOC) will partner with Fairview for the June Networking Before Nine meeting on Wednesday, June 26th at 7:30 at Fairview Hospital under the Destination Better Health tent. “Developing Our Future Workforce” will be presented by a panel of speakers including Courtney Warren, Lauren Cameron, and Pam Wojtkowski. Pre-registration is required by calling the SBCOC at (413) 528-4284. There is a fee to cover the cost of breakfast.