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We Care LogoWE CARE ABOUT YOUR HEALTH AND WELL-BEING: Your health and well-being are closely connected. One impacts the other in significant ways.

WE CARE ABOUT UNDERSTANDING YOUR NEEDS: By asking you questions about your life, we can learn more about factors that might affect your health and create a plan to provide you with personalized care.

WE CARE ABOUT YOUR RIGHT TO PRIVACY AND CONFIDENTIALITY: Your answers are private and will be used to help us understand how to support you better.

WE CARE ABOUT TREATING ALL PATIENTS WITH EQUITY: We believe that everyone deserves the same chance to be healthy.

WE CARE ABOUT ANSWERING YOUR QUESTIONS:If you have any questions or concerns, please talk to your healthcare team today.

Why does my doctor need to know?

If you’ve been to a primary care office in the past year, you may have noticed that you were asked to complete a new screening questionnaire. And if you have had questions about it, you’re not alone. You may have even wondered, “Why does my healthcare team need to know?” We hope these questions and answers will help you to better understand in this important initiative and benefit the health of our whole community.


A: Research shows that 80% of health is influenced by factors outside the doctor’s office, like your environment, behavior, and genetics. By sharing information, your healthcare team can better help connect you to resources for challenge you face. For example, if you don’t have a car to get to the pharmacy to pick up your medication, they can help connect you to transportation services.


A: You’ll be asked about your background, such as where your family is from and what languages you speak. There will also be questions about needs your such as food, transportation, and safety, including emotional well-being and loneliness.


A: This is part of a statewide initiative started in 2023 to bridge health gaps disparities and ensure everyone gets the best possible care.


A: You can select, “I choose not to answer this question,” or indicate that you have a need but don’t want help right now.


A: Your responses are part of your health record, that is shared only with your care team. With your permission, we can also connect you to local organizations and programs that can provide you with support.


A: Everyone will be asked these questions to help us create a personalized care plan for each patient. By participating, you help us better understand and address your needs.

If you’ve been to a primary care office in the past year, you may have noticed that you were asked to complete a new screening questionnaire. And if you have had questions about it, you’re not alone. You may have even wondered, “Why does my healthcare team need to know?” We hope these questions and answers will help you to better understand in this important initiative and benefit the health of our whole community.