The Patient Portal

Your Health Information at Your Fingertips.

It’s free. It’s secure. It’s convenient. With The Berkshire Patient Portal get the information you need to manage your health, your way.

To sign up, email us today.

Open the Patient Portal

Patient Portal Frequently Asked Questions


Yes. The Berkshire Patient Portal has a system that allows your provider’s office to send you appointment reminders, either by text message or by automated voice call.


You can choose to receive voice or text updates by updating your primary contact number your patient portal profile.   

If the first phone number listed in your profile (also known as your “primary phone”) is a land line, you will automatically receive automated voice notification and reminder calls. 

If the first phone number listed in your profile is a cell phone, you will automatically receive text message notifications and reminders. 


You can change your phone number by requesting an update to your health information in your portal profile. Click here to view step-by-step instructions for updating your phone number in your profile.


During your first encounter with the appointment notification and reminder system, you will have the opportunity to opt-out by following the instructions in the message.  

If you opt-out of text message communication, you will still receive automated calls. You can also choose to follow the prompts in the automated message and opt-out of automated calls. 


Yes. Opting-out of reminder notifications means that you will not receive any automated notifications or reminder messages from healthcare providers that use the Berkshire Patient Portal. 


Appointment reminders will identify that they are sent from Berkshire Health Systems and contain general information that could include your name, your provider’s name, the date and time of your appointment, and the address of your provider’s office.  

The reminders will also include a link that will open a new window where you can confirm or cancel your appointment. 


The Berkshire Patient Portal appointment reminder system is able to recognize certain common text responses such as “Cancel,” “Confirm,” “Yes,” and “No.”  

If you provide a response that is not recognized by the system, you will receive a message asking you to call the office. 


No. The Berkshire Patient Portal appointment reminder system is an automated system used for administrative appointment management only. It is not a tool for communicating personal health information to your care team. 

Please use the message features within the Berkshire Patient Portal or call directly to communicate health-related issues with your care team.  


Berkshire Patient Portal automated reminders will always be sent from the phone number associated with your healthcare provider’s office and will contain information identifying the message as a communication sent by Berkshire Health Systems.  Messages may include your name, your provider’s name, and specific information about the date, time, and location of your appointment. 

Remember, do not share personal information with unknown callers or in response to unknown texts. Berkshire Health Systems will not ask you to provide any personal information through the appointment reminder system.   

If you have any questions or concerns about the validity of voice or text communication, always call your provider’s office to verify.  


There are four types of messages that you may receive by either phone or text, depending on your contact preferences in your patient portal profile.: 

New Appointment 
You will receive a notification within 15 minutes of booking a new appointment.  

Rescheduled Appointment 
If an appointment is rescheduled, either at your request or by the office, you will receive a notification with the newly updated information. 

Appointment Reminder
Seven days before your appointment, you will receive a reminder message that asks you to confirm or cancel.  

If you confirm, you will receive a response verifying your confirmation. You will also receive one more reminder message on the day prior to your appointment. 

If you cancel, you will receive a message verifying your cancellation and advising you to contact the office to reschedule. 

If you do not respond to the seven-day reminder, you will receive additional reminders messages two days prior and one day prior to your appointment. 

Missed Appointments 
If you do not attend a scheduled appointment, you will receive a follow-up message asking you to take action to reschedule. 


If you cancel, you will receive a message verifying your cancelation and advising you to contact the office to reschedule. 


After clicking “Cancel” in the text reminder message, you will be brought to a screen that confirms your cancelation. It also includes a link that says “Changed your mind?” 

You can click on “Changed your mind” to reverse your cancelation and return to the previous screen where you will again have the chance to confirm or cancel.


Not all Berkshire Health Systems offices use the Berkshire Patient Portal notification and reminder system. Contact your provider’s office to learn more.


Contact your provider’s office for assistance. They may be able to help address your questions immediately. If needed, they can also work with the Berkshire Patient Portal Tech Team for additional assistance in resolving your issue.

Virus Alert Level Guide

As of January 20th, 2025, the BHS Virus Alert Level is Yellow.

BHS is committed to keeping our community healthy all year round, but especially during the winter season when respiratory infections like flu, COVID-19, RSV, and other viruses are especially likely to spread.

To help control and reduce the spread of respiratory illnesses in our healthcare facilities and in our community, BHS is implementing a three-tiered virus alert level system that establishes how we will manage masking, visitor access, and testing across the health system when we determine that respiratory virus levels are low, moderate, or high. The Virus Alert Level system will go in effect January 2, 2025.

Color Respiratory Virus Alert Level
(Flu, RSV, COVID-19)
Masking Visitors
View Complete Guidelines
Green Low Masks welcome Mask if symptomatic; Care partners and visitors welcome. Providers will test patients if symptomatic.
Yellow Moderate Masking required by all staff when in direct contact with patients in clinical care locations; Masks welcome for all others. Mask if symptomatic; Care partners and visitors over 18 welcome. No visitors under 18. Providers will test patients if symptomatic.
Red High Universal masking required for all healthcare professionals, patients, and visitors. Care partners only. No regular visitors. Exceptions made for end-of-life care. All patients admitted to the hospital will be tested.

Support Services

At Berkshire Health Systems, recognize that each of our patients has unique needs and challenges and strive to make each experience with BHS one that is welcoming, personalized, and convenient. We hope that you will take advantage of the following resources to help support your healthcare journey

Berkshire Health Systems (BHS) provides qualified medical interpreters to patients and families who have Limited English Proficiency (LEP) and American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters for patients who are deaf or hard of hearing. These services are available free of charge, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Interpreters are available:

  • In-person,
  • Phone interpreting for over 180 languages
  • Video remote interpreting (VRI) for American Sign Language and nearly 20 other languages.

For a same-day request, please notify a healthcare provider or employee upon arrival that an interpreter is required.

BHS complies with applicable federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability or sex. For more information, please call Interpreter Services:

Español: Servicio de Intérpretes

BHS ofrece intérpretes médicos calificados para asistir a pacientes y sus familiares con conocimiento limitado del inglés (LEP por sus siglas en inglés) e intérpretes de Lenguaje de Señas Americana (ASL por sus siglas en inglés) para pacientes sordos o con deficiencia auditiva. Estos servicios son gratuitos y disponibles las 24 horas del día, 7 días de la semana.

Tenemos intérpretes disponibles:

  • en persona
  • por teléfono para más de 180 idiomas,
  • videoconferencia (VRI por sus siglas en inglés) y Lenguaje de Señas Americana.

Si desea solicitar un intérprete por favor vea lo siguiente:

Pedidos para el mismo día: Al llegar al hospital, notifique a un proveedor de salud o empleado que necesita un intérprete.

Pedidos para citas futuras: Nuestra sistema de programación de citas permite que el paciente o su proveedor solicite un intérprete a la recepcionista al mismo tiempo que hace su cita.

BHS cumple con las leyes federales de derechos civiles aplicables y no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, nacionalidad, edad, discapacidad o sexo.

Para más información, por favor llame al Servicio de Intérpretes:

Our Spiritual Care Team makes daily rounds throughout the hospital and responds to individual requests for spiritual support and services from patients, their families, health system staff and collaborates with area clergy and faith community leaders to support our community’s spiritual needs. Our chaplains make every effort to be available on an on-call basis for emergency requests outside of our regular business hours.

We also facilitate spirituality groups for patients receiving behavioral health or substance use disorder treatment.

At Berkshire Medical Center the Interfaith Chapel  is located on the first floor of the hospital building next to the main entrance and lobby. This peaceful space is available 24/7 for private reflection and prayer.


Phone: (413)447-2251 Fax: 413.496.6818 Email:

If you are experiencing an emergency outside of normal business hours, please call the BMC Operator at (413)447-2000 and request they contact our Chaplains or community clergy on your behalf.

The Health Sciences Library, located on the first floor of the Warriner Building at Berkshire Medical Center, provides a resource for current medical information to patients, family members and visitors, and employees. We have a large collection of textbooks and journals – both in print and electronic formats.

Patient Information

Customized patient information packets are available from the Health Sciences Library. If you have a health information question and would like some information, please call the Health Sciences Library at (413)447-2734 and we will be happy to put together an information packet that can be mailed to you.

Hours of Operation

The Health Sciences Library is open to the public for health research: Monday – Friday, 9:00am- 3:00pm. Please feel free to contact us at (413)447-2734.

Talking helps. For many of our patients and their loved ones, meeting others who have shared experiences as survivors and caregivers provides meaningful support and encouragement.


The Aphasia Support Group meets on the third Tuesday of each month, year round on the 5th floor of the Medical Arts Complex. This is in the Outpatient Rehabilitation department. Meetings are from 3:00 pm until 4:30 pm.

Aphasia is a communication impairment that results from a stroke or other source of damage to the brain. People who experience aphasia might have difficulty speaking, understanding, reading, or writing. The Aphasia Support Group is for people with aphasia and their family members/friends/caregivers. These meetings provide opportunities for participants to practice communication, to develop greater understanding of their disability, and to learn from others who share similar experiences.

Please contact Deborah MacDonald, speech-language pathologist, for more information: (413)447-3077.

Brain Injury

The Berkshire Brain Injury Support Group meets every second Tuesday of the month at 4 p.m. at the Center for Rehabilitation at BMC. The center is located on the 5th floor of the Medical Arts Building, adjacent to the hospital.

More information can be obtained by calling Suzanne Doswell, manager of the group, at (413)442-4448.


The BMC Cancer Center offers a variety of support groups and programs to help patients cope with diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship. The various groups offered are all facilitated by professionals with many years of experience in assisting patients along the cancer journey.

Please contact the Cancer Center for more information about current group meetings at (413)443-6000.

Parkinson’s Exercise Group

A one-hour exercise class for people with Parkinson’s Disease. The exercises target those areas most affected by Parkinson’s disease, including posture, balance and coordination, as well as strength and range of motion. Starting with deep breathing and muscles of facial expression and ending with ankle strength and flexibility, the exercises provide a full-body workout. Many of the exercises are performed while sitting. Most of the standing exercises are done using the back of a chair for support. Modifications to the exercises are made for those who have difficulty standing.

Exercise classes are held in the outpatient department at the Center for Rehabilitation on the 5th floor of the Medical Arts Complex. The class is open to anyone with Parkinson’s Disease. If a person requires assistance, we warmly welcome his or her family member or caregiver into the group. A small fee is charged for this class and a script from a medical doctor for Parkinson’s exercises is required. For further information, please call (413)447-3075.

Spinal Cord Injury

The mission of the Spinal Cord Injury Support Group is to reach out to individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI) to support and inform using peer mentors and clinical expertise. Through education, the group strives to improve quality of life, implement new insight into self-care and provide members with community resources. The group meets on the first Thursday of each month at 5:00 pm on the fifth floor of the Medical Arts Complex. For more information call (413)447-3075.


The BMC Stroke Support Group meets on the first Tuesday of each month from 3:00 to 4:30 p.m. on the fifth floor of the Medical Arts Complex (adjacent to BMC) in the Center for Rehabilitation’s outpatient gym. Come share the challenges and successes of life after stroke. Be a source of support or receive the encouragement you need. Please call the Outpatient Department at the Center for Rehabilitation with questions at (413)447-2230.

The Peer Visitor Program consists of stroke survivors and caregivers from the Berkshires who have completed a short training program through the Stroke Support Group. The peer visitors volunteer to visit with new patients in the hospital setting who have requested this service.

The peer visitors share common experiences and provide real-life examples of recovery and successfully living with stroke. For many of our patients, meeting with a peer visitor provides hope and encouragement that assists our patients in their recovery and rehabilitation.

To arrange a peer visit, please call (413)447-2230.

Food Pantries and Meal Sites in Berkshire County. Since program hours and days can change without notice, please call the location to be sure of times and requirements.

Berkshire County Food Pantries and Meal Sites

Your Hospital Stay

Berkshire Medical Center Admitting & Registration:

We know that a hospital stay can be a stressful and nerve-wracking experience. Our Access Services team is here to walk you or your loved one through the process of being admitted to the hospital. We will work with you closely to review your medical and insurance information and ensure that the administrative elements of your hospital experience are orderly and complete.


Fairview Admitting & Registration:

Our admitting department is located on the ground floor by the main entrance. Our trained staff is available to help you during the registration process.

Monday-Friday: 7:30am-8:00pm
Saturday-Sunday: 8:00am-7:00pm

Our care coordination team of experienced case managers is integral to helping you and your loved ones understand and manage your hospital experience. By focusing on the unique needs of each patient, case managers coordinate an orderly discharge from the hospital and a safe transition to the patient’s next care setting.

Case managers, who are trained RNs or licensed social workers, conduct regular assessments to identify high-risk patients and evaluate their complex care needs relating to patient safety, medical stability, and psycho-social, financial, or legal issues.

If you would like to meet with a case manager, please ask at the nursing unit desk or contact our Case Management Office Coordinator, Erin Weatherwax, at 413-447-2422 or

Berkshire Health Systems (BHS) strives to create a supportive environment focused on the needs of our patients and their families. You may receive a text, e-mail, or telephone call within a few days of your hospital stay or appointment at one of our facilities, asking about your experience as a patient.

This survey should only take a few minutes of your time. Please give honest feedback when answering the questions. We will use your responses to improve the care we provide at BHS.

You may be asked questions like:

  • During your most recent visit, did this provider listen carefully to you?
  • Did this provider give you easy-to-understand information about these health questions or concerns?
  • What number would you use to rate this provider?
  • Would you recommend this provider’s office to your family and friends?

Contact Us to Share Your Feedback

BMC Patient Experience
Berkshire Medical Center
725 North Street
Pittsfield, MA 01201
Phone: 413-447-2466
Fax: 413-496-6818

Fairview Patient Experience
Marsha Moquin, RN, CCN, LICSW, Director of Case Management
Fairview Hospital
29 Lewis Avenue
Great Barrington, MA 01230
Phone: 413-854-9636

All patients have the right to make complaint without fear of reprisal. We encourage you to do so by contacting our Patient Experience Department the nursing or department director, or your physician. Additionally, complaints may be made to external agencies, including the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Board of Registration of Medicine, and Department of Mental Health. Please contact Patient Experience if you would like additional information.

Visitor Information

At Berkshire Health Systems, we know that the presence of loved ones is an important part of the physical and emotional healing process for our patients.

We have established the following visitor policy that will enable patients to see their loved ones while maintaining the highest standards of health and safety for all patients, visitors, and staff.

We will update these guidelines, as needed, to provide safe care for everyone.

Visitor Policy

At Berkshire Health Systems, we know that the presence of loved ones is an important part of the physical and emotional healing process for our patients.

We have established the following visitor policy that will enable patients to see their loved ones while maintaining the highest standards of health and safety for all patients, visitors, and staff.

We will update these guidelines, as needed, to provide safe care for everyone.

Find the latest Visitor Policy here

Maps, Directions and Parking

Berkshire Medical Center Patient Parking

We offer free and convenient valet parking at BMC, as well as options for self-parking in our patient and visitor parking garage.

Click to view the Berkshire Medical Center patient parking map.

Fairview Hospital Patient Parking

Fairview offers free and convenient self-parking in our patient and visitor parking lot.
Click to view the Fairview Hospital patient parking map here.

New North Adams Regional Hospital Patient Parking

North Adams Regional Hospital offers free and convenient valet parking, as well as options for self-parking in our patient and visitor lots and parking garage.

Gift Shops

Berkshire Health Systems has 3 small gift shops offering a variety of small gifts, jewelry, personal items, flowers, cards, snacks, and more. They are open to the general public, visitors, and staff.

BMC Gift Shop

Location: 725 North Street, Pittsfield, MA – Main Lobby

  • Monday – Friday: 8:00am – 4:00pm
  • Closed weekends and holidays.

(413) 447-2258

Fairview Hospital Auxiliary Gift Shop:

Location: – 29 Lewis Ave, Great Barrington, MA – Main Lobby

  • Monday – Friday: 10:30am to 4:00pm

(413) 854-9635

The Gazebo Gifts Galore:

Location: 165 Tor Court, Pittsfield, MA – Hillcrest Campus, Main Floor, off the “Mansion” wing.

  • Wednesday: 1:00pm to 4:00pm
  • Closed weekends and holidays. 

Call to confirm hours: (413) 445-9329 or (413) 443-4761

Dining Services

Berkshire Medical Center Dining

The Berkshire Medical Center (BMC) Cafeteria, located on the hospital’s ground floor, is open continuously from 6:15am-6:15pm, serving breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The cafeteria is also open from 2:00-3:00am during third shift.

The BMC MicroMart, adjacent to the hospital cafeteria, offers self-service grab-and-go meals, drinks, and snacks and is open 24/7.

Fairview Hospital Dining

The Fairview Café provides breakfast, lunch and dinner in a European-style restaurant with tables and booths for dining.

The menu features fresh, locally grown ingredients and changes daily. Healthy food options, including a fresh salad bar, homemade, low fat soups and entrees are available during service hours Monday through Friday 6:30 a.m. – 6:15 p.m and weekend and holiday hours 6:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.

The Fairview Café is located on the Ground Floor near the Main Lobby. Vending services are available 24 hours a day in the outer café.

Medical Record Requests

Medical records are confidential and secure. Federal and state laws govern who can access to the information contained in your medical records as well as the procedure for requesting that information. As a result, all requests for information must be in writing and must be authorized by you.

A patient, or his/her legally authorized representative, may inspect and/or obtain a copy, or have copies of medical records sent to another facility.

BHS requires a completed and signed written request and authorization for release of health information form before releasing any documents to anyone, including the patient.

Print and complete the Authorization for Use or Disclosure of Health Information form.

Berkshire Medical Center Requests

Medical Records Department
725 North Street
Pittsfield, MA  01201
Fax: 413-553-6739

Fairview Hospital Requests

Medical Records Department
29 Lewis Avenue
Great Barrington, MA 01230
Fax: 413-854-9690

Timing & Pick-up


Please allow up to 21 working days for your request to be processed. If you indicated the option to pick-up your records, you will be contacted by BHS when your records are ready. A photo ID is required for pick-up.


If an individual other than the patient is picking up the records, then that individual must have an original signed authorization letter from the patient, along with a photo ID.

Radiology Films

All diagnostic studies belong to the BHS Radiology Department. To obtain a CD of your images, please come to the Radiology Department on the first floor of Berkshire Medical Center. Federal privacy laws mandate that you bring photo identification with you. If you would like someone other than yourself to either receive or pick up your images on a CD you will need to put their name and address on the release of Information form. They will also need to bring with them a form of identification. For Radiology Film requests, call 413-447-2439, or fax 413-395-7955.